Bigfoot Wiki
Grassman(mountain monsters depiction)

The Grassman or Ohio Grassman, (also Kenmore Grassman or Orange Eyes) is a tall, bipedal hominid that stalks the woods of Ohio. This bigfoot is bigger than its cousin the sasquatch at 8-10 feet tall this monster is known for is grass like fur and unbelievable strength ripping cars and etc apart like nothing. This bigfoot is also known to run in a pack with one alpha male these bigfoots have been spotted in west Virginia, but their home is perry county Ohio. Due to its sheer size and power, it's been dubbed king of the bigfoot if you try to hunt this creature be prepared this creature is known for its aggressive behavior killing dogs, cats sometimes even humans. the last size update for the Grassman was putting him at 10ft 1in's tall in height this was said to be the alpha male of the species

Bigfoot 1, face

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